Full Time

AED 3000 - 5000

Positions: 01

Senior Subcontracts Administrator

Job Details

Senior Subcontracts Administrator

Are you looking for Senior Subcontracts Administrator? This role is open now in Dubai.

Performs full range of procurement and administration activities associated with subcontracting work. Qualifies suppliers, issues requests for proposals, evaluates proposals, maintains subcontract files in accordance to established procedures. Oversees and performs the full range of procurement and administration activities associated with subcontracting work on a project. Responsible for negotiating, monitoring, and administering Subcontracts through closeout. Under general supervision, solves complex problems requiring detailed knowledge of field and industry best practices. Uses experience and problem-solving skills to develop and improve processes. Hold virtual meetings with internal Project customers and suppliers as needed on subcontract matters. Ability to communicate clearly and concisely, verbally and in writing, to internal customers, suppliers, co-workers, and team members. Need to prioritize work responsibilities, in order to meet deadlines. May provide guidance to less experienced team members and serve as a mentor, including the review of pre-award and post-award contractual documentation drafted by junior staff. Need to able to work in a multi-cultural and dynamic work environment. Experience working as a team member engaged in tasks requiring teamwork and performance to schedules. Skills required for this job are typically acquired through the completion of an undergraduate degree and 5+ years of experience.

Priority will be given to Candidate’s with previous LOGCAP/ US Defense Subcontracting experience.


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Job Information

Required Education


Required Experience

4 - 5 Years

Required Industry


Career Level


Required Gender

Both Male & Female

Required Age

25 - 45 Years
